In simracing world usually users are very similar by each others. CINNERS for example are all twins or something very near, more than brothers: big passion for technology, big passion for motorsports and big passion also for engineering.
Have fun with other CIN - Campionato Italiano Nascar pilot is very easy because you can find your mirroring at any time with other italian dialect. Trucks, cars, PC are normal but we have found another big family in CIN world: the aviation. More than 80% of CINNERS are aviation fan, flight simulator experts and aviation movie fans.
Cars and planes right, and there are for sure two movies in CINNERS hearts: Top Gun and, of course, Days of Thunder.
Somewere, every week in some post, someone of is talking about planes, cars or Tom Cruise…is mathematical…
Thats why we choose for Driver of the week number 20…@David Joseph Beardsley
Directly from US here we have found real race driver and real airplane mechanic. Practically something similar to Tom Cruise but better: David is a real CINNER!
David works in sicily on airplanes (very very big ones) and after covid he founds here a new community in CIN - Campionato Italiano Nascar
Let’s have a closer look on number 20 of CIN 2021/2022
Why you love NASCAR?
I grew up in Indiana, and my family used to watch a lot of racing, including NASCAR. I got my first taste of real speed working at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. When I was 7, the very first Brickyard 400 ran at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. I got to watch the city come alive with the excitement! I’ve been able to see the cars at the track, and I have loved racing ever since then.
How you become a real CINNER?
I first joined iRacing in 2009 and ran for a couple of years. I stepped away for a few years while I got involved in racing at my local short track in the US. My fascination for racing grew as I was helping a close friend. I ended up building a car and doing some racing of my own at 5 Flags Speedway in Pensacola, FL. for a couple of years. Then, my work sent me to Italy, so I had to sell my cars. When COVID hit, I was looking for other options to enjoy racing. Last year, I got back into iRacing. I found CIN by searching NASCAR leagues in the European time zone, as it was difficult to keep waking up at odd hours to race with my friends in the States.
Tell us about your first Race…
I was very nervous but also excited! The language is a bit of a barrier for me, but I understand so much more now than during that first race! I placed 4th, which was unexpected but thrilling!
Did you take your cockpit from US?
When we moved here, I didn’t have any current iRacing equipment. A friend sent me some old equipment from the States to get started. I then bought my rig from another friend here. I have been slowly upgrading with parts from both Europe and the US. My seat is an old Panda seat I bought from a junk yard with a wooden base that I built, but it is comfortable! It amazes me how much iRacing has evolved in the few years I stepped away.
What about your team?
I am on team Hot Pistons Renegade USA. My initial plan was to run independent, however having another American (Rachel Hunt) to help makes a world of difference! Our team manager Giancarlo Moretto is such a huge help. He is always working on setups and providing much needed information to be competitive. Also having Matteo Bortolotti, Niccolo Cedrati and Fabrizio Ugolotti are such great teammates. This is my first ever league I have ever run, so this first year is such a learning curve. I have been able to learn from them and hopefully one day be on the same skill level of driving as they are. I do think it is beneficial to be on a team to improve results. It has helped me gain track knowledge and set up knowledge. It is also nice to have other drivers to help me that are a tier above in both skill and knowledge.
Who is your favorite motorsports driver?
Growing up I was a Jeff Gordon fan. My grandma always thought he was cute! Now that he is retired, my current favorite driver is Young Money Kyle Larson. His driving style impresses me.
What about you?
I grew up on the outskirts of Indianapolis, Indiana (USA). I moved to Florida as an adult for work. My family moved to Sicilia (Italia) 2 years ago. My family and I love to travel! We enjoy exploring different histories and cultures. I also love snowboarding, hiking, golf, and anything fast! I love playing with my 2-year-old and am excited that we will have another baby later this summer! I really enjoy being a dad. I am already looking at go karts for our oldest (don’t tell his mom!).
Does your number have a particular meaning?
My wife and I were married on May 20th, so I picked 20. I usually use 27 because it is the number of my son’s birthday, however it was taken this season! Family is very important to me!
Many thanks David and keep it flying!